Involves administration of a chelating agent EDTA along with other medicines and multivitamins as multiple intravenous infusions (I.V).
Air pollution ,use of pesticides,chemicals used in food and beverages,calcium deposits etc increases the level of heavy metals in our body. Many of these metals wont get excreted normaly from our body.The chelation helps to remove heavy metals live lead,mercury,cadmium etc and excess calcium deposits.
Karunya medical centre one of the pioneers to introduce this systems in kerala providing the best chelation therapy in kerala under careful medical supervision of a team of dotors.
Fatty deposits called plaque form i the arteries causes blood vessels to narrow .The chelating during EDTA binds to this plaque,and clears it out of the blood vessels .fat, vessels , metal impurities ,dust,carbon other pollutants etc forms this plaque.
In patients who have this , abnoramal proteins called tau end beta amyloid build up in brain and damage it .build up of metals like copper,iron and zine might also play a role in this disease.
Removing metals from the body can be improve autism symptoms since the idea that autism caused by mercurry in childhood vaccines.
Hence it good for those patient undergoing radiation and chemotherapy for cancer,varicose veins , snake bites, stroke(paralysis) , and C.O.P.D(Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ) due to heavy smoking.